Lectures and Seminars

Invited Lectures and Panels (Selection)
· University Paris Sorbonne (1991, 1995, 1996, 1999)
· National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (1986)
· Université de Bourgogne (1988)
· Humboldt University (1988)
· Université de Poitiers (1992)
· UNIL - University of Lausanne (1994)
· Purdue University (1994)
· Ottawa University (1995, 1999)
· Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Peterburg (1996)
· Freie Universität Berlin (1998)
· Boston University (1994, 1998)
· Chicago University (1994, 1995)
· Vienna University (1997, 1998, 1999, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2006)
· Universität Innsbruck (1998)
· Renner Institut (1997, 1999)
· Economic University Vienna (2002)
· Institut Francais de Vienne (2002)
· University of Naples (2002, 2007)
· Charles University (2003, 2004)
· Bruno Kreisky Forum (2004)
· Brandenburgische Technische Universität (2005)
· Eötvös Loránd University (2006, 2007)
· University of Karlsruhe (2007)
· Technische Universität Dresden (2008)
· WIFI Vienna (2007, 2010, 2012)
· Johannes Kepler University (2014)
· Jagellonian University (2015)
· IWK - Institut für Wissenschaft und Kunst (1999, 2016, 2019)
Regular Lectures and Seminars
2009 to present: Lectures within the Vienna University Programm "University Meets Public" at the Vienna Colleges Meidling, Landstrasse, Hietzing and Urania
Seminars and Lectures Courses in German on the Following Subjects: "Zum Lob der Grenze", "Die Welt der Vorurteile", "Was ist unter Menschenwürde zu verstehen?", "Worin besteht für mich die Gerechtigkeit?", "Gesellschaftliche und persönliche Wertekompetenz", "Wertekompetenz in Zeiten der Globalisierung", "Managing Diversity: Wertekompetenz in Zeiten von Vielfalt und Veränderungen", "Gender Mainstreaming", "Virtual Diversity", "Werte und Menschenrechte", "Auf der Suche nach dem Sinn", "Die Kunst zu Leben", "Einführung in die Philosophie".
The Seminar "Philosophy Readings and Discussions" (since 2009) includes interpretative rereadings of Avishai Margalit, John Rawls, Jean Baudrillard, Jean-Paul Sartre, Albert Camus, Immanuel Kant, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Max Scheler, Edith Stein a.o.
1999 to present: Chair of the Permanent Seminar of the Institute for Axiological Research
The following subjects has been treated:
- "Identity and Values" (SS 2019 - WS 2020)
- "The Neighbour, the Other and the Alien" (SS 2017 - WS 2018)
- "Fundamental Rights and the Challenge of the Refugee Crisis" (WS 2015 - WS 2016)
- "The Value of Hospitality: Uses and Abuses" (WS 2013 - WS 2014)
- "Values and Rights in a Time of Crisis" (WS 2011 - WS 2012)
- "Translation as a New Ethos for Europe?" (WS 2009 - WS 2010)
- "Values and Diversity Management" (WS 2008 - SS 2009)
- "Values and Intercultural Communication" (WS 2007 - SS 2008)
- "The Value Human Person and Personal Values" (WS 2006 - SS 2007)
- "Individual Choice, Self-Responsibility and Responsibility for Others" (WS 2005 - SS 2006)
- "Interpretation and Values" (WS 2004 - SS 2005)
- "Values in Conflict: Problems and possible Solutions" (WS 2002 - SS 2004)
- "Values and Praxis in the Context of Globalisation" (WS 2001 - SS 2002)
- "European, national and international Values" (WS 2000 - SS 2001)
- "Philosophy between New and Old Values" (WS 1999 - SS 2000)
1992 - 2009: International Lectures, Panels and Talks on Phenomenology and Contemporary Philosophy (Bulgarian Phenomenology Center, Institute for Philosophical Research - BAS)
- Organizer and Moderator of the International Lectures of Phenomenology and Post-Phenomenology
- Director of the Invited Lectures Program on Contemporary Western Philosophy. Among the Guest Lecturers should be mentioned Roberto Miguelez (Ottawa University), Koula Mellos (Ottawa University), William L. McBride (Purdue University), David Durst (American University of Blagoevgrad), Reinhard Hesse (Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg), Françoise Dastur (Université de Paris-I, Sorbonne), Ludwig Nagl (Universität Wien), Stefan Knoche (Universität Bremen), Susanne Moser, (Universität Wien) a.o.
1992 - 2009: Master and Doctoral Seminars in Continental Philosophy and Gender Studies at the Institute for Philosophical Research - BAS:
They includes:
- lectures and interpretation of different contemporary philosophical texts
- discussions on translation of specific keywords
- discussions on the structure and the different parts of the master or doctoral work
- work on selected bibliographies
1984-1991: Seminar on Translation of Philosophical Texts at the Department for Foreign Languages of Sofia University.
Among the authors whose texts were translated into Bulgarian are Rene Descartes, J.-G. Leibnitz, Sigmund Freud, Jacques Lacan, Edmund Husserl, Martin Heidegger, Emmanuel Mounier, Jean-Paul Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Jacques Derrida, Paul Ricoeur a.o.