Brief CV


University Studies and Career


·         1978-1979, German Studies at University Paris-Sorbonne

·         1979, Philosophy at Humboldt University, Berlin

·         1979-1984 Philosophy at Sofia University, Second Speciality French Studies

·         1984, Master in Philosophy & in French Studies

·         1989 First Doctor Title - Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy), Institute of Philosophy - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

·         1984-89, Assistant Professor in French Studies (Philosophy Translation Program) at the Department of Western Languages, Sofia University

·         1989-95, Research Fellow at the Institute for Philosophical Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IPhR-BAS)

·         1995, Habilitation in Contemporary Western Philosophy (IPhR-BAS) with 4 books on Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy

·         1995-2013 Senior Research Fellow at the IPhR / ISSK, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

·         2006 Second Doctor Title - Dr. Phil., Vienna University

·         2013 Third Doctor Title - D.Sc. (Doctor of Sciences), Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IPS-BAS)

·         2014 - Full Professor and Chair of the Contemporary Philosophy Program at IPS-BAS


Honors and Awards


·           1983: First Prize in the National Philosophy Competition from the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and the Council of Higher Education

·           1994: Award of the Bulgarian Union of Translators and the National Publishing Center's Translation Award in the field of Humanities for her Bulgarian translation of Jean-Paul Sartre's L'être et le néant 

·           1996: Paul Celan Fellow at the Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna

·           1997: Exchange Program Fellow at the Institute of Philosophy of Vienna University

·           1998-1999: Fellow at the Austrian Academy of Sciences

·            2000: Award of the Bulgarian Union of Translators and the National Publishing Center's Translation Award in the field of Humanities for her Bulgarian translation of Paul Ricoeur's Le conflit des interprétations

·            2017: Hermes Award, A book of the Year in Phenomenological Hermeneutics, of the International Institute for Hermeneutics, received for the monograph Sein, Sinn und Werte: Phänomenologische und hermeneutische Perspektiven des europäischen Denkens (Peter Lang: Frankfurt a.M., 2017); the monograph is also distinguished as "the highest theoretical achievement in 2017" of the Institute for Philosophy and Sociology of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

·           2020 Prize for extremely important monograph of national importance of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, received for the monograph Sein, Sinn und Werte: Phänomenologische und hermeneutische Perspektiven des europäischen Denkens (Peter Lang: Frankfurt a.M., 2017).

·           2021: Professor Honoris Causa of the International Institute for Hermeneutics

·           2022: Jubilee Publication in Honor of 60th Anniversary of Yvanka Raynova, H.-W. Ruckenbauer/S.Moser (Eds.), Säkularismus, Postsäkularismus und die Zukunft der Religionen. Festschrift für Yvanka B. Raynova zum 60. Geburtstag (Metzler/Springer 2022) 


Administrative Duties


·       2015- President of BFO-Fenomenologia, the Bulgarian Phenomenology Association

·       2010- Head of the PhD Program on Contemporary European Philosophy at the ISSK-BAS

·       2000-2010 Head of the Department for Contemporary European Philosophy and Gender Studies at IPhR-BAS

·       1999- Director of the Institute for Axiological Research, Vienna

·       1995-1997 Scientific Secretary of the Institute for Philosophical Research (IPhR-BAS)

·       1990- President of the Bulgarian Society for Francophone Philosophy and Culture

·       1993-1998 President of the Association for Human and Axiological Studies "Arcanum", Sofia

·       1995- Council Member of ABIRA, USA

·       1995- Head of the Bulgarian Phenomenology Center (IPhR-BAS)


Expert Functions


·        2024 - Member of the Advisory Board of the Integrata Foundation, Tübingen 

·     2024 - Member of AcademiaNet - The Portal to Excellent Women Academics

·       2014 - External expert at the National Science Centre, Poland

·       2013 - Expert at FEMtech - Women in Research and Technologies

·       2008 - Expert at the Austrian Women Journalist Congress

·       2006 - Correspondent of the Paul Ricoeur Foundation

·       1996 - International Research Board of Advisors of ABIRA, USA

·       1996 - Adviser at the IBCC Advisory Council, Cambridge, UK 

·       1995-2000 Chair of the Library Advisory Board at IPhR-BAS 

·       1987-1990 International Relations Adviser, Bulgarian Philosophical Society